Sunday, September 11, 2011

Visualize Whirlled Peas

You know what really chafes my left testicle? Bumper stickers that say coexist written in symbology from a variety of world religions! It isn't the sentiment, what kind of sociopath doesn't want peaceful coexistence? Bumper stickers like that bother me for two reasons.

First off I hate slogans and big talk, if your going to do it, do it. People who talk about getting a job usually accomplish very little. In fact I kind of wonder if people buy those bumper stickers as their sole contribution to world peace. Does a piece of paper on your Volvo ease the guilt over never having done a damn thing for anyone outside your immediate family soccer mom? Does it?

Secondly and most important to me is, it's just a fantasy. I could put out a bowl of cream every night and the brownies wouldn't come and do my household chores. If I put out a bowl of cream every night, the cats would eat it, grow fat and bloated, throw up on the carpet, and the house would still be dirty. Same thing with your naive hope for peaceful coexistence. Sit back and blindly accept everyone as being of the same basic good hearted nature as you (at least you think you are, I have already prejudged you as a self righteous pinhead)and see what happens. I bet they shoot Bambi's dad and use his antlers to slash your tires.If you want people to coexist you may need more then words. Want an example do some research and find out what happened to the money raised by We Are the World. If you want to coexist, you have to be ready to be strong. Whispering things on bumper stickers isn't strong, it tells people you are ready to be taken advantage of.

Sure I have a bumper sticker on my jeep, it says GOLF NAKED. If you really feel the need for a social slogan on your car, why not use a quote from my momma who always said "Hope for the best, but, stockpile ammunition.

1 comment:

  1. YES! Hahahahahahahaha! This is great; in fact, it's really the only way that most people even learn about sociopolitical and socioeconomic problems anymore...through the humorists that make fun of the perpetrators and those apathetic to them. Good job.

