Thursday, January 26, 2012

An open letter to thr Republican National Committee

Dear RNC,
    Yesterday, I recieved a very well thought out flyer from my county supervisor of elections, inviting me to come and vote in the Republican primary next week. This raises a huge problem for me. I need to vote in order to demonstrate to my teenage daughter, that, we can still have faith in our political process.
    However I see no viable choices on the list they sent me to think about. Isn't that kind of ridiculous? This should be your year! The incumbent has for the most part been a do nothing President who will take credit for things he didn't do, like getting us out of Iraq (following a plan set down by his predecessor's administration) or the economic recover (no President should ever be allowed to take credit or blame for the economy and if you look at his record he hasn't even made a single move to change the economic circumstances we are in.
    He did manage to pass a health care reform bill, during his "honeymoon" days, which is slowly revealing itself to be one of the most onerous pieces of legislation ever. Beyond taxing people for not having health insurance, it was revealed last week that it can dictate terms to religious organizations for instance even though the Catholic church doesn't believe in birth control it must offer to pay for it for its employees through insurance. How that is not a violation of church and state separation, I will never know.
    But you blew it, your offering nothing, windbags knifing each other over non-ideas. If this is the best you can do then please for America's sake do what's right. Disband the Republican party and urge the democrats to follow your example. You won't though and that's okay, do what you want. As for me I am voting for the Bull Moose party this year.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The last love poem

The last love poem
She is there
Urging me
Following my dream
Only she knows
Caressing my hopes
Always there

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Bradbury Hypothesis

The Bradbury Hypothesis
To begin with you should know that I reserve the right to change this story, revise, rewrite, reform, just as I reserve the right to change my life and who I am as a person.
 It happened today, but it started some time ago, it has been building at an irregular rate, sometimes not at all then abruptly running high speed towards the precipice, until, today it fell off the edge. I was driving home from school and the radio DJ was spewing forth about the BCS game and how it has once and for all proven blah blah blah, so I switched the station. Here I found something new and innovative, a country singer telling me about how great it was growing up in his hometown. Apparently he lived in the only town in the world where teenagers liked to drink beer, drive too fast, and attempt in vain to lose their virginity while in high school. I got so disgusted I turned the radio and drove home accompanied only by my thoughts until I began wordless humming The sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel.  
This has been coming for some time it really has, my complete and utter contempt with the amount of noise we fill the world with. Listen to me very carefully and observe just one incident in my life. I am on nursing school and not a private we will admit anyone who can get financing school, but a state college the kind of place where you have to bust your hump and compete for admittance, the kind of place where you should find some of the brightest people hoping to learn this challenging career. Any time the professor stops to take a deep breath, 10 conversations start amongst people throughout the room. I really want to put on my boots and my Senior Chief face and stomp in amongst them swearing and kicking until they comply.
Yesterday it occurred to me that these people are the product of the video age. Television was their babysitter,  Facebook is their confessor, they don’t know what it is like to not be enveloped in a cloud of noise. I think perhaps the idea of being alone is the scariest demon they might ever face and they won’t ever be alone if they can help it. It brought to mind a Ray Bradbury story called Almost the end of the world. I was going to tell you about it, but decided I would do you the bigger favor of letting you read and enjoy it for yourself.
My point is this. I don’t want to be in this noise anymore. I don’t want to watch tv.  I don’t want to IM. I don’t want to read. I don’t want to be entertained. I want to try and listen to myself and find out if it drives me to insanity. I am alone now.