Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well I did it. It took two days but, I finally finished giving a personal response to each of the almost 100 friends, who wrote on my wall for my birthday. I was really surprised that so many people would take the time to drop me a line and I knew something was in order. Recently I read an opinion piece about how terrible it is that people think writing on Facebook is a substitute for the real intimacy of friendship and I had been wondering if I agreed with it.

There are many times of late when I get irritated with the amount of communication people feel is necessary. I don't understand people who give daily updates of their lives and their every movement. I really don't want people knowing where I am all the time. Do any of my non-readers want to know that I am going to Walmart for Hamburger Helper?

I also am not big on people who are constantly telling people about their great relationships. Once in a while is great, it really makes me happy yo know that my friends are cuddled up watching football on Saturdays. People who have to tell me all the time however make me think something is fishy. There is a saying in AA "Fake it til you make it." It works great for recovering alcoholics because they just do it and they don't share their journey with the general public. If you are telling me every detail online maybe your trying to make something that isn't real work for you. Perhaps you need a change in life. Last week I was teasing my friend Amber about one of those wall posts from her cousin about how much she loves her husband. I contended that her cousin was a horrible person for rubbing her happiness in everyone's face, she countered by saying that her cousin was just in that honeymoon period you experience after your husband is released from jail for domestic abuse. I kind of think that says it all right there.

On the other hand, I was happy that so many people would do that for me. Sure a card or a handwritten letter is much more personal, but so few people do that anymore, and even if they did would 100 people do that for me? Probably not, but because a reminder appeared on their homepage they sent me a note. As a result I had online conversations with some old friends I don't see much anymore. Jim McKinney's kids are both in college and he is so proud, Vonda Dixon is doing well and as frisky as ever. It seems sometimes, the communication is a good thing.

Since so many people could take the time to write me I decided that they deserved a return on their investment. I have seen people who just post a note saying thank you to everyone for their wishes, but to me that seemed a little impersonal. I believe we get to be the person we choose to be and I choose to be warm and loving and appreciative of the good things that the world gives me. I did it and this year I resolve to work harder on returning the touches of the people who touch me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amber is a genius. That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. Great job on this today, by the way. I tried to do the same thing with the people that sent me birthday wishes on FB; it did seem more personal and gratifying.

