Monday, December 19, 2011

ideas and actions

Ideas can be scary. Karl Marx had an idea, and millions suffer still as a result of giving charlatans an excuse to take control of power. Fortunately most people rarely bother stretch their minds outside the comfort zone of prime time television. Most people are afraid to take any actions that will actually expose themselves to danger.
This is why the occupy Wall Street protesters have failed. They did manage to get a lot of people to come together and stand around grumbling. There were even some acts of civil disobedience, but on the whole none of those people chose to risk anything of value and not one idea came forth from their milling about that could actually change the American situation.
I have an idea, but it does scare me, as a result I haven’t done the research to make it possible, but preliminary studies show it is entirely doable. The long term consequences however are so sweeping as to be unimaginable to my untrained mind.
Much of control is about the psychology of the group, and I think there is a group ready to exploit, which could shake the world to its foundations. Bank of America common stock is selling fairly low, after a downturn this summer caused by the markets belief that BOA was overvaluing itself. Now if all of those people whining and moaning in their occupy movement were to pool their money and purchase stock in BOA and move as a bloc under the administration of one capable leader, the game would be on. Enough voting and preferred stock would allow occupy to begin to sway other large holders who may be a little nervous to begin with. If the power of those votes were used to throw out the board and replace them with their own selections.
This idea frightens me because of the huge overall implications. If one bank fell then the rest would follow in short order and chaos would ensue. The finger of blame for that would surely point back to the government banking bailout. Had the government let some of these large corporations fail a new establishment would have risen, green and fresh and vibrant. Instead we are resting on the back of a rotten infrastructure which sits vulnerable to the masses waiting for one idea like mine to ferment and explode under pressure.

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